Byron / Bangalow Farmers Markets

LocationsBangalow, Byron Bay
Status Closed nowOpens at 08:30 today
Byron / Bangalow Farmers Markets
Byron Farmers Market

Farmers Markets are a global phenomena & are currently flourishing in cities as well as country areas.


Farmers markets are consumer driven & these consumers are educated & more demanding than ever before.

At Byron Bay and Bangalow Farmers Markets, our stall holders are best able to meet consumer needs because farmers and producers are local, meaning freshness and savings on many levels, as our food is not transported for long distances. Informed choices can be made, organic growers work along side conventional producers as members of the Byron Farmers Market Association. The association guarantees product integrity & strives to supply a balanced market place for its customers while creating a sustainable, viable business venture for the members.

All association members are required to have Stall-holder insurance, incorporating public & product liability insurance coverage, & a food stall approval permit from Byron Shire Council.

All new membership applications are received on-line, and applicants are advised to read the criteria for membership that precedes the application process. Each application is individually & exhaustively discussed at a Committee meeting. If an opening exists for the product, a farm visit is arranged & an inspection takes place. This is followed by further discussion and an assessment of a farm visit by the Committee of Management. If successful, the applicant will be notified of product appovals and will be able to start selling once all required documentation has been submitted and any fees have been paid.

This lengthy process does its best to encourage the BFMInc. Farmers Markets, at Byron Bay and Bangalow, to develop into a unique collection of producers, connecting at a grass roots level & putting a face to our food.

Farmers Markets are a global phenomena & are currently flourishing in cities as well as country areas.
Farmers markets are consumer driven & these consumers are educated & more demanding than ever before.

At Byron Bay and Bangalow Farmers Markets, our stall holders are best able to meet consumer needs because farmers and producers are local, meaning freshness and savings on many levels, as our food is not transported for long distances. Informed choices can be made, organic growers work along side conventional producers as members of the Byron Farmers Market Association. The association guarantees product integrity & strives to supply a balanced market place for its customers while creating a sustainable, viable business venture for the members.

All association members are required to have Stall-holder insurance, incorporating public & product liability insurance coverage, & a food stall approval permit from Byron Shire Council.

All new membership applications are received on-line, and applicants are advised to read the criteria for membership that precedes the application process. Each application is individually & exhaustively discussed at a Committee meeting. If an opening exists for the product, a farm visit is arranged & an inspection takes place. This is followed by further discussion and an assessment of a farm visit by the Committee of Management. If successful, the applicant will be notified of product approvals and will be able to start selling once all required documentation has been submitted and any fees have been paid.

This lengthy process does its best to encourage the BFMInc. Farmers Markets, at Byron Bay and Bangalow, to develop into a unique collection of producers, connecting at a grass roots level & putting a face to our food.

Byron Bay – Thursdays 8-11am at Butler Street Reserve
Bangalow – Saturdays 8-11am behind Bangalow Hotel